This application allows importing of EMIS Detail Records ("Chapter 5 Layouts"), adding, updating or deleting of records and extraction to Detail format compatible with EMIS-R.
If you need access to the EMISFFE application, and you do not have an EMISFFE account, please contact your local OECN ITC personnel. If your password has expired or you have forgotten your password, you can change and/or reset your password via the the "Forgot Password" link in the Log In box above. If you do not recall your username, you will need to contact your local ITC personnel for assistance. If your email address has changed, you should notify your local ITC requesting them to update your account.
The EMISFFE application is meant to be a temporary storage area. It is not intended to be a permanent storage area or a substitute for a student information system.
It is the agency's (LEA) responsibility to make an archive copy of any data from EMISFFE that was used for EMIS reporting. For each EMIS collection request that EMISFFE was used to submit data to ODE, it is recommended that data be archived. This may be accomplished by Extracting the data for the appropriate data set and save the resulting extraction file to a safe location.
The EMISFFE (Flat File Editor) is an application hosted by the SSDT on behalf of ODE. The intention of the application is to permit manual updates and data entry for EMIS records for which there is no source system (SIF or flat file), and for "emergency" corrections which the source system can not resolve.
By logging into this application and uploading or entering data, you are granting the SSDT permission to store and maintain your district's data on a temporary basis. You should only leave the data in this application for the period of time that corrections are being made. After exporting the data and verifying correct submission to ODE, you should remove the data from this system.
The SSDT will maintain the data in the system and limit access to personnel authorized by your OECN ITC. The EMISFFE application will not report data directly to ODE, nor do ODE personnel have access to the system.
Information for the EMISFFE application may be found on the SSDT's Public Wiki.